Mixed reality improves surgeries
At the MeetUp AR/VR/MR about AR in Health Care in Bern of June 26 the Augment IT team was well represented.
Reto and Julien @ MeetUp about AR in Health Care
Reto Grob, our Head of Augment IT, had a speech about “Planning Surgeries using Mixed Reality”. Currently, many surgeries are based on imaging data acquired using CT and MR scans. They are typically optimized and viewed on PC screens. To optimize the planning surgeons can overlay the data right on the patient. But the translation from a 2D screen onto the real world is a source of errors. For this, questions on accuracy and registration methods must be answered.
Julien Villiger, our Senior AR Engineer, supported his brother Stefan Villiger, Interaction Designer, who made a presentation about “Visual Training with Eye Tracking”. Stefan gave insights into the conception and design process of a Magic Leap application for Visual Training. Visual Training is a form of therapy for the treatment of visual disorders and is mostly carried out on paper until now.