Expert talk at Bitkom meeting in Munich
Augmented Reality matters
Reto Grob, Head of Augment IT, and Bernhard Binz, Director Sales, Netcetera Germany GmbH had a speech about “Improving work processes with AR/MR – Measuring effects and reporting success”
Overcoming hurdles. How can VR/AR/MR be spread more widely?
Bitkom, Germany’s digital association, held a meeting at Microsoft in Munich on 19 June on the subject of “Overcoming hurdles. Bitkom is Germany’s digital association. Founded 1999 in Berlin, Bitkom represents more than 2,600 companies of the digital economy.
How can VR/AR/MR be more widely distributed? Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality, Spatial Computing – the possibilities offered by these technologies are almost limitless. Often, however, their potential is not exploited. What is the reason for this? What obstacles stand in the way of greater dissemination? And above all: How can they be overcome? Reto Grob, Head of Augment IT, and Bernhard Binz, Director Sales, Netcetera Germany GmbH contributed with the speech “Improving work processes with AR/MR – Measuring effects and reporting success”.
Many thanks to Bitkom and Microsoft for the invitation and the opportunity to contribute with our experience.